Using ST Link USB for UART Communication – Is It Possible?


I am using STM32L1 Series Discovery board and want to do uART communication via same UART port that is Used for Embedded ST Link V2

enter image description here .

Embedded ST Link uses USART1 of STM32L100CT6 and Mini USB is connected to my PC. Refer following fig.

PA9 Pin  as USART1_Tx of STM31L100CT6
PA10 Pin as USART1_Rx of STM31L100CT6

I also connected JP1 that is provided on the board so now main problem with this is that I didn't find COM port !!!

Is it possible to use ST Link USB for UART Communication ?

Best Answer

No, it isn't possible (without a hardware modification, and custom ST-Link firmware). PA9 and PA10 are connected to the LCD display and the side headers, but not connected in any way to the onboard ST-Link.

You can however do that with a Nucleo board, where PA2 and PA3 (USART2) of the target controller are connected to the onboard USB controller, but of course it doesn't have that nice LCD display.

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