Electronic – Is possible compute the bandwidth of a Narrowband Twin-T Passive Notch Filter


Exist any function of R and C, for calculate f1 and f2 at figure below?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Is possible compute the bandwidth of a Narrowband Twin-T Passive Notch Filter?

enter image description here enter image description here

The above is the generalized transfer function for a twin T notch filter taken from here (which also provides a useful calculator. If you want the 3 dB frequencies you can rejig the formula and make it simpler because in your equations the resistors are either R or 2R. Ditto the capacitors.

Then solve for the 3 dB points and compute the bandwidth of the notch.

The picture of the response looks like this (R=1 kohm, C = 1nF): -

enter image description here

And not like what you have shown in your question.