Electronic – Is RF Transformer Impedance Significantly Affected by Wire Size


I'm building a Softrock Ensemble III HF Receiver. The online instructions are pretty good, but have a few remnants from an earlier version that no longer apply. So, despite the discussion about the difference between #30 and #26 wire, when I saw that the two hanks of magnet wire were the same color I assumed they were the same size (in the RXTX kit they are different colors). When I wound T2 I used the #26 wire (which was a very tight fit) instead of the #30 wire. You can see the partial circuit diagram and the construction details for T2 here (scroll down to the Summary Build Notes, then click "Install BPF Input Components"). Do I need to remove T2 from the circuit board and rewind it with the smaller wire?

EDIT (adding details of the transformer, repeated from the linked page):

The transformer is 4 bifilar turns on a BN43-2402 ferrite transformer core. It's specified as 23.04µH for both the primary and the secondary. It's the RF input transformer; the primary connects directly to the antenna jack. The receiver covers the HF bands, 1-30 MHz.

Best Answer

Here is a chart to show wire gauge variations. You can see the resistance per distance column that using #26 opposed to #30 you are getting ~135 ohms per km versus ~340 ohms per km. If you got the proper number of turns, I wouldn't expect it to cause the radio to fail, but keep it in your notes as possible troubleshooting points.

enter image description here