Electronic – Is the capacitor drawn or wired wrongly


In my recent study of electronics, I chance upon a guide on building a line-following robot. In one of the diagram shown, I realized that the capacitors, namely, C1, C2, C4 and C5, all marked with red arrows, are connected with the wrong polarity. This is from my recent understanding of capacitors. I have listed my observations and reasoning below.

Kindly help verifies if my understanding is correct. I have tried contacting the author but to no avail ;(

My observations:

  1. The symbol indicates electrolytic capacitors in use, which are polarised capacitor. The flat side of the symbol should be the positive terminal. However, the curve side(-ve) is connected to the power source(+ve) instead.

  2. C3(marked with green arrow) is connected correctly, at least IMO(beginner).

  3. I think this is important as the reverse voltage in electrolytic capacitor will cause self-destruction of the oxide layer and fire.

Here is the link to the guide: http://www.circuitstoday.com/line-follower-robot-using-8051-microcontroller

Diagram from [circuitstoday.com][1]

Best Answer

The capacitors marked red are too small to be electrolytic. They must be ceramic. They just used same symbol for all capacitors except without the plus sign.