Electric Current – Understanding Delays in Electrical Current



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

-Suppose that the distance between "D1" and "D2" is too large.

-Does "D2" give a delayed response compared to "D1"?

Best Answer

In the case shown, with both diodes near the power supply but with a very long wire between them, there will be no delay. However, in the case shown below, there will be a delay:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The reason there's a delay in this case and not in the other is related to the fact that information must travel at the speed of light or slower, so the information that the power supply has been turned on has to travel through the Extremely Long Cable™ at no faster than the speed of light.

For further research, I recommend websearching the term "transmission line".