Electronic – Is this a MATLAB bode phase plot error

bode plot

enter image description here

I sent in a function
$$T = -0.1 \frac{s+400}{(s+20)*(s+2000)}$$

> T = -0.1*(s+400)/((s+20)*(s+2000));
> bode(T)
> grid on

I was expecting the phase to start at -180 deg, but instead the MATLAB is showing +180 deg.

Is this an inconsistency or a conceptual thing?

Best Answer

You can add or subtract 360 deg (2*pi rad) as many times as needed in Bode phase graph. Right click in your graph, Properties > Options > Phase Response > Adjust phase offsets [on] > Keep phase close to [-pi] (in your case), At frequency [0.000]. Done in MATLAB R2015a.

Edit: still works in MATLAB R2020b.