Electronic – Is this part hand-solderable, or will certainly require reflow soldering


Here are the mech specs for the part (it is a GSM module) –

enter image description here

Note that all dimension are in "mm".

If hand-solderable do I need to keep some specific precautions in mind (from soldering standpoint). The data-sheet, HW design docs do not specific any specific soldering type or temperature.

Best Answer

It is hand solderable, but fairly close. As the illustration shows, the contact pads extend up the edges with a plated groove, which makes it easier to heat them than on bottom-only QFNs. I suggest extending the PCB pads a bit outside the module edges to let you access both pads with your iron. You may want to practice working with 1mm pitch a bit beforehand. Also, I wouldn't want to make a larger production run by hand.