Electronic – Is this the correct way of measuring Zi in LTSpice


I need to simulate the parameters of this common collector npn amplifier, I've calculated Zi to be 20kOhm with BF=420 (minimum value in datasheet for the model). However the AC analysis gives me Zi of 16kOhm at most.

The transistor should be a BC547C (fairchild), but since there was only the spice model for BC547B in their website, I changed BF to the average value BF=610. For BC547B model BF=1340 (even though the datasheet has ~325), isn't the datasheet value I should use in the model?

I can't test the real circuit, so I feel blind trying to adjust values to what I can calculate…

enter image description here

Best Answer

The simplest way to ac-sweep the input impedance is to insert a high-value inductance in series with the dc source and install a 1-A ac current source at the input node. The below circuit shows the idea that I use for plotting the input impedance of switching converters built with average models:

enter image description here

The voltage-controlled voltage source automatically sets the bias point to maintain the collector to the desired operating point, e.g. 2.4 V in this example. Then, \$L_1\$ ac isolates this voltage source from the rest of the circuit and what you observe in the probe VZin is the voltage image of of the input impedance as the stimulus is a 1-A current source. In your case, unless you consider parasitic capacitance, it's more a small-signal input resistance you will have, equal to the 10-k resistance in series with the dynamic resistance \$r_{\pi}\$ of the base-emitter junction.

For the output impedance, simply move the 1-A current source at the collector in my sketch and you'll have a voltage image of \$Z_{out}\$. A 1-kF capacitor can be installed after \$L_1\$ to ground to filter the return loop in this case.

enter image description here