Electronic – Kicad – Change add unconnected/unnamed trace to an existing net


I have a complicated guard ring of sorts that surrounds a network of pads and traces. This guard ring is/was connected to the GND net. I had to make so changed and reload the net list. As a result the guard ring traces were orphaned and no were longer marked with the GND net. As a result, the router will not allow me reconnect the trace ring to GND. There would be considerable work to redraw all these traces.

Is there a way to apply a net to an unconnected net of traces that is not part of an existing net?

The red circle in the image below indicate where I am trying to create a connection between the net with no name around the pads on Col7 and the GND net around Col8.

Red circle shows where I would like make a connection

Best Answer

I found a workaround of sorts.

  1. Disable DRC influence on routing (I selected "Highlight collisions" from "Routing options" dialog)
  2. Create a trace segment to connect the two nets
  3. Save the file and close pcbnew
  4. Reload the pcb file. pcbnew will update all the segments to the connect net.