Electronic – KiCad missing footprints after update


Today I updated my KiCad by installing new version over the previous one.
Afterwars I created a new project, added schematic symbols, associated them to footprints and generated netlist.
Now when I'm trying to read netlist in Pcbnew I get errors about missing TO-220-3_Vertical footprint. This footprint was available in the previous version of KiCad and should be in the default github library.

What is going on? Am I doing something wrong?

The full error is:

Error: Component “U1” footprint “TO-220-3_Vertical” was not found in any libraries in the footprint library table. 
Error: Cannot add new symbol “U1:/5B6DC52C” due to missing footprint “Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-220-3_Vertical”.

When I was assigning footprints to symbols I could see correct footprints in the preview window.

Best Answer

The 5.0 update changed the names of a lot of the libraries. You can either delete the old libraries so they stop giving you errors and just use the new ones (most of the footprints are still there, but under more descriptive names) or you can download the old 4.0 libraries here and re-add them.