Electronic – Led lights in parallel to 220v


I want to start a project with led lights, but I am completely new to working with electricity (i have used electricity but have never created something myself).

I want to create a led wire with different leds connected to 220v. I know that the different colors of leds use a different voltage, so my plan was to wire each color in parallel, and for example, all reds will be in series.

Is this the right way to do it? Or does someone has a better recommendation? What will I need to convert the 220v to the right voltage? and what other materials do i need?

Best Answer

This is not a good idea.

220 V is lethal. To do this project would require you to perform voltage and current measurements on live wiring and given your lack of experience this would be strongly discouraged. You should try this on low voltage circuits.

A simple transformer to step the voltage from mains to, say, 24 V AC would provide you with a safe working voltage adequate to try out your ideas.

I want to create an LED wire with different LEDs connected to 220 V. I know that the different colors of LEDs use a different voltage, so my plan was to wire each color in parallel, and for example, all reds will be in series.

LEDs are current sensitive so if you don't need colour switching the standard practice is to wire all LEDs requiring the same current in series. The supply then requires some sort of current limiting circuit.

Your other concern is that LEDs are DC devices and you are proposing to run on AC. You need to figure out how to prevent destruction of the LEDs on the negative half-cycle.

There are millions of articles on LEDs. Read, read, read and stay away from mains.