Electronic – LiFePO4 Batteries Discharge Fast After Recharge


On my application I have four 200 mAh LiFePo4 cells, configures as sereies of two parallels, thus achieveing a 6.4V battery.

I understand this cells in series need balancing, I would like to leave this mattar aside for now, only keeping in mind that the cells are being balanced.

I'm drawing 130mA from the batteries for 1h, recharging them afterwards with ~10mA.

At some point they get stable at 3.45V, not the 3.6V it suppose to achieve. After this, with the same load, they discharge in minutes.

Any ideas of what could be happening for the batteries not achieving maximum charge voltage and discharging with such speed afterwards?

Best Answer

LiFePO4 cells have a very flat charging voltage curve that doesn't peak until just before full charge. When charging a 400mA pack at 10mA it may stay below 3.5V for 30 hours or more.

As a result of the sharp voltage peak at end of charge, a small imbalance can cause large voltage variations between cells in series. An aggressive balancing circuit will fix this problem, but may consume some current itself (which could be significant at low charge rates).

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