Electronic – Lithium ion battery cutoff current


For an upcoming ESP8266 project, I need to use a relatively large (or several smaller) batteries and am hoping to get at least 10Ah. To achieve long life, I will be utilizing one of the ESP8266's available sleep modes. In the deep sleep mode, it utilizes somewhere between 10 and 70 microamps.

I know that most lithium ion batteries are recommended to discontinue discharge at a voltage of around 3.0-3.2V, for the sake of battery health. However, do they also have any kind of limitation such that the battery will not supply current if the load goes below, say, 1mA? I apologize if this is a nonsensical question, but I know very little about batteries, and I want to ensure I can put it into deep sleep while using a battery like this.

Best Answer

It sounds like the question is whether there is some sort of hysteresis in a lithium (ion) battery such that a load this too resistive will not draw current.

In general the answer is no, there is no minimum supply current needed to stabilize the output of a battery. (Switching power supplies do have a minimum current.) Experimentally, a voltmeter across the battery terminals will have a typical input impedance of 10 MΩ, so it would draw only 0.3 µA of current at 4 V.

In terms of the physics, the minimum current you can have is the resistance of the air between the two external terminals in parallel with any internal leakage. The resistivity of an air gap is ~\$10^{16}\$ Ω·m which will also works to out a resistance of ~\$10^{16}\$ Ω between two terminals on a battery, or about 0.4 fA (femtoamperes) at 4 V.