Electronic – LM2575 as Li-Ion charger

battery-charginglithium ionswitch-mode-power-supply

I want to make a simple charger for my 2S1P battery. I found a lot of circuits using LDO regulators to get the typical CC/CV curve for Li-ion batteries like this:

enter image description here

but I wonder if it is possible to copy the 2N2222 circuit and use it in an adjustable SMPS regulator like LM2575-S for better efficiency. My idea is to use one of this BMS (between the charger and battery) to balance and protect the batteries. Is that possible? Thanks!

Best Answer

Yes, the same kind of current-sensing based circuit is possible to be used, but it will be a bit harder to make it work, since the feedback loop of DC-DC converters is more finicky.

Also, while the DC-DC converter improves efficiency, note that you still are wasting a ton of energy in the current sense resistor (the 1Ω your schematic). If you charge at 1A, this is ~0.65V * 1A = 0.65W just for current sensing!

There are better ways to charge batteries using dedicated DC-DC converter chips which have a current sense input as well, ST's L6902 being one example. Just search for converters that also have current limiting built-in.