Electronic – lm7905 LTSpice is not working


I have downloaded the lm7905 from this source: https://github.com/kafana/ltspice-misc/blob/master/models/regulators.lib

unfortunately, it seems that the output voltage is 0mV all the time (the green value on the included picture).
I am trying to get -5V as the output. Did any one else have a similar problem? Do you maybe know, how to get it working right? The lm7805 for 5V seems to work fine.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This might not be a 100% correct component model. However, you're not loading the output, and without any resistive load, the LM7{8/9}xx series isn't known for accuracy.

So, add a 1 kΩ resistor from OUT to GND, and observe again.

If it still doesn't do anything, either the SPICE model is wrong, or you're not actually observing the right node.