DC Generator Losses – Understanding and Minimizing

dc motor

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While working through the question ,I calculated the field copper losses and field armature losses which came to be 1250 watts and 271 watts respectively so total loses should be 1521 watts but they have given it to be 2771 watts.I didn't get why they added the extra 1250 watts that we get from No load condition from the DC motor case.

Best Answer

The 1250 W no load motor losses are those losses that occur when the machine is turning. The largest of these is 'windage', the viscosity and turbulence of the air surrounding the rotor. There are also bearing friction and core eddy current losses.

These will all be the same when the machine is turning, if the speed and the flux are the same, whether it's running as a motor or generator. The 1250 W loss therefore has to be added to the copper losses.