Electronic – LTSpice common emitter amplifier distortion


I have a (hopefully not too trivial) question regarding this simple LTSpice-circuit.enter image description here

I would expect the output to be (ideally) a sine wave, but when probing Vout
what I get is this:

enter image description here

Now what I do not understand is why the output is not symmetric about 0V.
I'd like to know what exactly is causing this and how it can be prevented. I'm still new to circuit design so I'd be great if someone could help me out here.

Best Answer

Transistor amplifiers always have a certain amount of distortion, since the amplifying devices are nonlinear. In this case the current through the transistor depends exponentially on the input voltage.

A smaller signal will exhibit less distortion, so reducing the amplitude could be a first step. To ensure a proper operating point the output signal should be probed at the collector of Q1.

For a further reduction of the distortion feedback is required, which in this case could be a simple emitter resistor.

Feedback decreases distortion but decreases the gain as well. A multistage amplifier with global feedback could be used, but an opamp based design is usually easier and offers good performances since a large gain is available for feedback.