Electronic – LTspice giving incorrect voltage value for simple first order low pass RC filter

low passsimulation

I drew this low pass filter circuit to have a output voltage of 5v across capacitor at a frequency of 100Hz sine wave of amplitude 10v.
But I am only getting 4.5 volt as output in steady state. I am doing simulation in LTspice on Ubuntu. What mistake I am making?

R = sqrt(3)/(2*pi*fC) – This is how I calculated R for a given C to have a half voltage drop across C

enter image description here

Best Answer

To get 5V peak from a 10V peak supply across \$1 \mu F\$ capacitor at 100Hz we need current equal to I = 5V/Xc = 5V/1.592kOhm = 3.1407mA and the voltage drop across resistor is $$V_R = \sqrt{(10V^2 - 5V^2)} = 8.66V peak $$
therefore $$R = \frac{8.66V}{3.1407mA} =2.757k\Omega $$ So yes, your calculations are correct.
And the simulation result look like this enter image description here

As you can see the peak voltage is 5V but RMS value is around 3.5V