Electronic – Making planar transformers in Altium


Does anyone know of a decent (repeatable) way of making planar transformers/planar inductors in Altium? And if so, how was the experience? Drawing out the tracks and checking trace/space clearance manually is a pain (not to mention unreliable). I should also mention that I would prefer some kind of plugin or script or tool or something, making a custom library part is not what I had in mind, I am looking for something a bit more flexible that would permit quick design changes

Best Answer

Yes, check out the PlanarTx script here. Just run the script and the options should be pretty self-explanatory. Quite flexible too.

Options Menu for PlanarTx

Example planar transformer in Altium

You may need to use a net-tie component (some folks refer to these as "shorts") to name the end terminals to sync up in your schematic, since it's all one piece of copper.