Electronic – MAX232 circuit not working


I am designing a circuit using a MAX232. I have connected Tx and Rx of the MCU to the 11th & 12th pin and connected the 14th & 13th pin to the RS232 cable. I do not have a UART port in my laptop, so I have used a UART to USB Cable. However, I am not getting data. Vcc is 3.3V. I have used 1uf capacitors. Below is the circuit:

MAX232 circuit

Where am I going wrong?

Best Answer

MAX232 does not work with 3.3V supply voltage. You should either use MAX3232 (which is 3.3V equivalent part of MAX232) or you should supply 5V to your IC.

Besides that there is only one thing wrong with your circuit: You should connect (+) pin of C4 to GND not VCC.

For those who misinterpret the circuit: Pins 2 and 6 are NOT the supply pins of the IC. They are respectively, positive and negative charge pump outputs for storage capacitors.