Electronic – Maximum frame sequence number in sliding protocols


I am reading about sliding protocols and in almost every book its written this:

Frames have sequence number 0 to maximum \$2^n – 1\$.

Why is the maximum \$2^n-1\$?

Best Answer

I think you mean from \$0\$ to a maximum of \$2^n - 1\$.

That's because to represent from \$0\$ to a maximum of \$2^n\$ you'd need another a whole extra bit in binary.

For instance if \$n=8\$ then you have values from 0 to 256 (\$2^8\$). That's 257 values (zero counts!) which requires 9 bits, but 0 to 255 (\$2^8 - 1\$) is the entire range of 8 bits or 256 values.

If you have Windows 7, you can play with the "Programmer's" mode on the calculator. It helps visualize some of these concepts. I use it all the time, especially when writing assembly.