Electronic – meant by counts of noise in this context


Regarding the following paragraph about resolution of a 16-bit ADC:

Unfortunately, other factors enter the equation to diminish the
theoretical number of bits that can be used, such as noise. A data
acquisition system specified to have a 16-bit resolution may also
contain 16 counts of noise. Considering this noise, the 16 counts
equal 4 bits (24 = 16); therefore the 16 bits of resolution specified
for the measurement system is diminished by four bits, so the A/D
converter actually resolves only 12 bits, not 16 bits.

Above what is meant by “16 counts of noise”? And how does it reduce resolution to 12-bit? Can this be explained in more detail and explicit manner?

Best Answer

When talking about ADCs, we often refer to the smallest change in the output as a "count".

16 counts of noise means the numerical value of the digital output value could change by 16 (or maybe by 8 in either direction, or maybe by 16 on average but possibly much more).

But it feels awkward to just say "change by 16" without saying 16 of what. So we say 16 counts, or sometimes 16 lsb's.

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