Amplifier – Mid-Band Magnitude Gain of a Cascode Amplifier


Looking to do some theoretical analysis on a Cascode Amplifier and compare it to a simulated model. Please see the circuit schematic below followed by the bode plot developed in the simulation software:

Circuit Diagram

Bode Plot

I am looking to try and obtain the Mid-band frequency gain of the amplifier (From the bode plot it can be seen to be approximately 20 dB). Any help in trying to figure this out would be greatly appreciated – so far compared Quiescent Levels which appear to match theoretical values.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Using this small-signal diagram

enter image description here

We clearly see a voltage divider at the input.

Therefore $$\frac{V_{B1}}{V_S} = \frac{R_1||R_2||(\beta_1 +1)r_{e1}}{R_S + R_1||R_2||(\beta_1 +1)r_{e1}}$$

Next, let us find the first stage voltage gain (Q1). This stage is working as a CE ( common-emitter) amplifier.

$$V_{B1} = I_B\cdot(\beta_1 +1)r_{e1}$$

$$V_{C1} = - I_{C1} \cdot r_{e2} = I_B \cdot \beta_1 \cdot r_{e2}$$

$$\frac{V_{C1}}{V_{B1}} = -\frac{I_B \cdot \beta_1 \cdot r_{e2}}{I_B\cdot(\beta_1 +1)r_{e1}} = -\frac{r_{e2}}{r_{e1}} \cdot \frac{\beta_1}{\beta_1 +1} = -\alpha \frac{r_{e2}}{r_{e1}} $$

Now we can find the second stage gain (Q2) that works as a CB (common-base) amplifier.

$$V_O = - I_{C2} \cdot R_C||R_L =-\alpha_2 I_{E2} R_C||R_L = -I_{C1} R_C||R_L \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2 +1} $$

$$V_{C1} = - I_{C1}\times r_{e2}$$

$$\frac{V_O}{V_{C1}} = \frac{-I_{C1} R_C||R_L \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2 +1}}{- I_{C1}\times r_{e2}} = \frac{R_C||R_L}{r_{e2}} \times \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2 +1}$$

And finally, the overall voltage gain \$\frac{V_O}{V_S}\$ is

$$\frac{V_O}{V_S} = - \frac{R_1||R_2||(\beta_1 +1)r_{e1}}{R_S + R_1||R_2||(\beta_1 +1)r_{e1}} \times\frac{r_{e2}}{r_{e1}}\times\frac{\beta_1}{\beta_1 +1}\times\frac{R_C||R_L}{r_{e2}} \times \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2 +1} $$

Any additional questions?