Electronic – Mount SMD component raised 45 degree from board


My challenge is, how can mount a SMD component in a 45 degree angle raised from the PCB.

I am doing a temperature sensing device, which is intended to be mounted on a wall, hence the PCB will be parallel to the wall, but is going to measure the temeprature on the surface of the floor. The temperature sensor for this device is an IR sensor TMP007 from TI.

So what I need is a genius way on how can I mount the sensor, so it points towards the floor, with an angle between 45 and 60 degrees in relation to the PCB (0 degree will be mounted on the PCB) so it is pointing towards the floor.

The mounting method should preferably be suitable for mass production, so not something to labor intensive.

Hope some one have some good ideas or solutions.

Best Answer

You do not want to mount the SMD component in any manner except for flat on its pads as the package was intended to be mounted. This is especially true of the TMP007 device since it is in a mini BGA package.

If you need unique mounting orientations of the component then you should be considering how to orient the circuit medium upon which the component is mounted. There are known - production feasible - methods for joining two PC boards at right angles. One method interposes the two boards using a connector of some sort. Another method has the main board slotted with the sensor board inserted into the slot and then adjacent copper lands are hand soldered together. Yet another method would have the sensor mounted on a flex circuit and then the flex joined to the main board via an FFC type connector.

The FFC flex circuit is likely to give you the overall best solution. You mount the component on one end of the FFC and a small board to flex connector on the other end. This gives you a solution that can be built up as a subassembly without having to do soldering at final assembly.

enter image description here enter image description here

I could even envision that you make your device package have a fold out arm that has the flex inside with the sensor captured at the end of the arm. The user would hinge the arm out to place the sensor at a suitable position to make useful measurements.

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