Electronic – Multi-tap transformer current handling capability


I have a transformer with a single secondary winding but with multiple taps, as shown in the image.
It is rated at 4A @ 24V (96VA).

Does this mean that at lower voltages (16V and 8V) it will be able to handle more current than 4A, considering that at any given moment only one of the taps will be used (24, 16 or 8 – but never two or more taps connected in the same time through a load to common)?

Ex: If at 24V it can handle 4A, at 16V will it be able to handle 6A?

I intend to use the transformer for a DC power supply.

Note: Please ignore the inductance values from the schematic

enter image description here

Best Answer

In short: no.

In "long": it doesn't mean that and, while it may be possible to be so, don't forget that the current capability is directly related to the cross-wire section (area), which means making it generate more than it was planned to will most surely heat it up and, possibly, permanently deteriorate the transformer.

However, seeing that you have 3x8V, it may be possible to connect the windings in parallel, thus granting you the ability to deliver 3 x current, but for that you need to separate the windings so that they are completely separate, then connect them properly in parallel (hot end to hot end), i.e. not in anti-parallel.

Even so, I would discourage this because the windings themselves may not be equal, that is, the 0-6 one may have the average turn length less than the 18-24 one would, meaning that the internal secondary impedances will differ, resulting in other possible cases of deterioration. If, by any chance, you get here, equality may be brought by inserting series resistances on each winding (two at least), at the cost of more losses.