Electronic – Mylar Paste Stencils – Paste Mask File Conversion


I want to cut some cheap mylar stencils from mylar for quickly assembling some fine pitch SMT designs. I have access to a laser cutter for this purpose. The laser cutter accepts various file types… unfortunately g-code or RS274x is not one of them. Does anybody have any options for converting output from Altium to a DXF?

Even better, with an option to offset the lines by half the kerf of the laser? Though I can always do this manually using a CAD program…


For extra credit :), a solution to go straight from RS274x to DXF (free) would be desirable as well. Sometimes I let the board house panelize and all I get back is the gerbers.

Best Answer

When editing a layout in Altium, you can do "File->Save As", and then for the file type choose "Export AutoCAD files".

This enables saving as either DXF or DWG and gives a few other options as well:

enter image description here