Electronic – n easy way to find out if the 0805 SMD components are ferrite beads


I ordered SMD 0805 components among other items and I received a package with the SMD components but there is no description at all.

Also, there is no identification on the components itself.

Is there an easy way to find out if the components I have are ferrite beads? (that's the most logical type I can expect from the post).

When I used a DMM to measure the resistance it is 0 ohm, which seems normal for ferrite beads.

(note I don't have any EMI test, but I have an (old) oscilloscope if needed).

Best Answer

If your oscilloscope has a calibration output (to calibrate probes), you could use that signal (after having calibrated the probes!) to check with the frequency characteristics of the ferrite beads.

enter image description here Source: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-use-an-oscilloscope/all