Electronic – n easy way to interface a receiving 457kHz ferrite rod antenna with a microcontroller (BeagleBone Black)


I have a (actually two crisscrossed) 457kHz ferrite rod antenna from the internals of an avalanche beacon where 196uH <= L < 204uH and C = 560pF. I need to be able to evaluate the data from the receiving antenna's signal to determine the distance between the transmitter and receiver with a BeagleBone Black. Originally I thought I'd be able to wire the antenna up to the input of an ADC on the board, but after spending hours playing around with a beacon set to transmit and the receiving antennas wired up to an oscilloscope I realized that the voltage signal (mean, amplitude, and rms) coming from the antenna really doesn't fluctuate much until the transmitting beacon is within very close range. What parameters of the receiver's signal are used to evaluate distance? Is there any easy way to interface these two parts?

Best Answer

Since you know the frequency, you might try either of these:

1) use an analog multipler such as MC1590

2) use a gated OTA such as CA3080 or (the triple) CA3060

3) build your own synchronous detector using analog multiplexors; remember to implement both Inphase and Quadrature channels.

4) use the NEE602 double-balanced mixer

ohhh you may want some narrowband upfront amplifiers. The standard IF transformers operating at 455+-5KHz should be fine.

In fact, just get an old AM radio, and attach your crossed ferrites to the output of the mixer.

You probably want to pose this as a new question.