Electronic – name for that moving blank space on an oscilloscope


On most oscilloscopes, there is a blank space that moves along as the data is sampled. Is there a name or phrase that described what that thing is? When you put the oscilloscope on a lower time/division, you can see it moving across the screen. In case I'm unclear, here's a picture where the waveform is not completed and the scope is in the middle of capturing:

Oscilloscope gathering waveform

Best Answer

I guess you're referring to the horizontal axis, which represents time.

First of all there is a trigger which starts data capture. As data is received, it is sampled on the display in the shape of the waveform. As you say, "the waveform is not completed and the scope is in the middle of capturing" and the right-most point of the waveform is the current signal level. The blank space on the right will be completed as... time passes and data is captured and displayed.

This is visible when you play with horizontal sensitivity to decrease sweep speed (a smaller piece of signal on the same display width).

Read here about sweep speed: http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/elessonshtml/measurements/scope1.htm