Electronic – Name this short-range optical component


It's time for another rousing round of "Name That Component"!

Black square on flat flex

Today's participant hails from a Bluetooth combo keyboard/mouse, where it detects finger motion across it which the Bluetooth chip translates into relative motion HID messages. It (supposedly) uses an imager of some sort to detect motion of an object that contacts the surface. Does this little beast have a proper name?

(The other side only has a metal key dome under a white sticker which when depressed the Bluetooth chip converts to a middle-click HID message.)

Best Answer

That, my friend, is an Optical Finger Navigation Sensor. Specifically, it looks like something out of the Avago portfolio that's been sold off to Pixart Imaging; they currently sell the ADBM-A350 (Datasheet) that I would look at for more information. This also comes in a sensor-only package, the ADBS-A350, that you could use if you wanted to do your own optical design. Essentially, it works the same way an optical mouse sensor works -- a low-resolution image sensor tracks pixel intensities to determine displacement.

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