Electronic – Need help deriving cutoff frequency of output (collector) RC network

bjtcircuit analysiscutoff frequencyfilter

According to the book I'm studying, the cutoff frequency for this circuit
Collector network
is given by

I tried to derive it by solving for the frequency at which \$V_{out}\$ is \$V_{collector}/\sqrt{2}\$:
$$\frac{V_{collector}R_L}{\sqrt{(R_C+R_L)^2+(\frac{1}{2\pi fc})^2}}=\frac{V_{collector}}{\sqrt{2}}$$
but when I simplify I get:
$$f=\frac{1}{2\pi C_3\sqrt{R_L^2-R_C^2-2R_CR_L}}$$

Best Answer

User1726, your start is not correct. The cut-off frequency of the first order highpass is defined as the frequency where the magnitude of Vout is 3dB less (factor 0.7071) than the MAXIMUM of Vout (which is Vout,max=Vcoll*RL/(RL+Rc).

There is a simpler method for finding the cut-off frequency. You have nothing to do than to find the time constant of the circuit (simple visual inspection) which is T=C3*(Rc+RL). The inverse of T is the (angular) frequency for cut-off.

And don´t overlook that the capacitive impedance is 1/2*Pi*f*C (and not 1/2*Pi*f)