Electronic – Need to limit current to maximum 1.6A

currentcurrent-limitingsolar energy

I need to build a current limiting circuit in order to protect a circuit board.

It is for a solar power application. Currently the circuit board only can handle 1.6 amperes but the solar panels that are being used deliver up to 4 amperes.

I know the easiest solution is to replace the panel with a smaller one, but unfortunately that is not possible, so I am looking for a simple circuit that will do this.

I have found lots of circuits with MOSFETs online but not really sure how well they work.

The input voltage ranges from 20V to 28V from the panel and that is no problem. I just need to limit the current to maximum 1.6A, so it will be 24V 1.6A

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Others have questioned whether current limiting is what you really need. Assuming that limiting the current is what you actually need, this circuit will limit your load current to 1.6A. R1 should be rated a minimum of 2W. Choosing a larger resistance value will reduce the maximum current. The voltage seen by the load will be less than the supply voltage, and will vary depending upon the size of your load. As others have suggested, maybe your load only draws so much current on its own, and current regulation is not what you need. But here it is anyway.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab