Electronic – ngspice, malloc: internal error can’t allocate -8 bytes


I am new to ngspice and trying to simulate my first circuit. I have posted my spice.net and my simulation.cmd below with a picture of my schematic. When I run the simulation I get the error message:

malloc: internal error can't allocate -8 bytes.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?


* gnetlist -g spice-sdb -o spice.net v-monitor.sch
************************************************** *******
* Spice file generated by gnetlist *
* spice-sdb version 4.28.2007 by SDB -- *
* provides advanced spice netlisting capability. *
* Documentation at http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/SPICE/ *
************************************************** *******
*vvvvvvvv Included SPICE model from /home/matt/Documents/gEDA/model/BC108.mod vvvvvvvv
.MODEL BC108 NPN(Is=1.8E-14 Ise=5.0E-14 Nf=.9955 Ne=1.46 Bf=400
+ Br=35.5 Ikf=.14 Ikr=.03 Isc=1.72E-13 Nc=1.27 Nr=1.005
+ Rb=.56 Re=.6 Rc=.25 Vaf=80 Var=12.5
+ Cje=13E-12 Cjc=4E-12 Vjc=.54 Mjc=.33
+ Tf=.64E-9 Tr=50.72E-9)
* ST pid=23 case=TO18

*^^^^^^^^ End of included SPICE model from /home/matt/Documents/gEDA/models/BC108.mod ^^^^^^^^
*vvvvvvvv Included SPICE model from /home/matt/Documents/gEDA/models/BC178.mod vvvvvvvv
.model BC178 pnp(IS=3.50E-15 VAF=80.5 BF=330 IKF=0.1018 NE=1.3140
+ ISE=3.816E-16 IKR=0.03 ISC=5.00E-13 NC=1.6 NR=1 BR=5 RC=0.35
+ CJC=8.80E-12
+ FC=0.5 MJC=0.28 VJC=1 CJE=1.00E-11 MJE=0.38 VJE=0.4 TF=7.00E-10
+ ITF=0.6 VTF=3 XTF=11.5 RB=100 IRB=0.0001 RBM=10 RE=0.75
+ TR=2.00E-07)

*^^^^^^^^ End of included SPICE model from /home/matt/Documents/gEDA/models/BC178.mod ^^^^^^^^
*============== Begin SPICE netlist of main design ============
.INCLUDE /home/matt/Documents/gEDA/Simulation.cmd
Vcc Vcc 0 DC 15V
Rnb 4 3 4K
Rpb 2 5 22K
Q2 1 5 Vcc BC178
Vpulse 4 0 pulse 0 5 1m 1u 1u 1m 3m
Q1 2 3 0 BC108
R2 0 Vout 1K
R1 Vout 1 2K

* .AC DEC 20 1Hz 100MegHz
.DC Vpulse 0 5 .01
* .DC VINPUT 1 2 .01
.plot dc v(Vout) v(Vin)
.print dc v(Vout) v(Vin)

Transistor Switch

Best Answer

You have a line with a single 'P' and nothing else in your circuit description. This line is responsible for the ngspice crash. You will have to search why your geda frontend has generated this line.

Of course ngspice should have emited a reasonable error message instead of crashing. Thus you might consider filing a bug report on the ngpsice bug tracker too.

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