Nodal Analysis to Transfer Function – Step Response Explained

bode plotcircuit analysisnodal-analysistransfer function

I've been trying to get the transfer function for the circuit in the image below, but I seem to be doing something wrong, since the simulation on Circuitlab gives me a different Bode plot and I can't find the error on my own.
enter image description here

Here, the equations from the nodal analysis (belong to nodes A, B, C, respectively). Va=Vb=Vc=0 due to virtual ground.

enter image description here

The result I'm getting for the transfer function is:
enter image description here

which looks a little weird to me because of the large numbers, and which translates to this Bode plot:

enter image description here

Simulation on Circuitlab, on the other hand, outputs the following:
enter image description here

From this transfer funtion I should get and plot the step response, which I get calculating the inverse Laplace from H(s)/s, but since the transfer function doesn't seem to be ok I'm not getting these right either.

I'd be very thankful if anyone could point me in the right direction.

Best Answer

For my opinion, it is not necessary to go down to KCL and KVL equations. Instead you should make use of basic available gain functions.

  • Between E and output node Vo there is a damped integrator (inverting lowpass)

  • Between node Vo and E there is a non-inverting active block with an inverting feedback loop (local opamp with R2, R3 and C3); the resistor R1 has no influence on the gain (ideal opamp); its only purpose is stability improvement because we have two opamps in one feedback loop.

  • A closer look into this block reveals that it is nothing else than a non-inverting integrator stage (integrating capacitor C3 multiplied by the driving inverting gain factor, which - in this case - is "-1")

  • These building blocks are arranged in one common feedback loop. Thus, we have one version of the classical two-integrator loop (one damped inverting integrator and one non-inverting integrator).

  • Following this approach, we have a system of two equations with two unknowns:

First equation: Vo=Vi * F1 + VE * F2 with F1=f(R5, C1, C2) and F2=f(R4, R5, C1)

(Comment: Both functions F1 and F2 are simple inverting gain functions)

2nd equation: VE=Vo * (1/sT) with T=R6C3

Unknowns: VE and Vo/Vi

(using this approach, I have found the transfer function - by hand calculation - within 8 minutes).