Electronic – Noob Measurement Mystery

function generatormeasurement

Understanding Measuring

I am taking up electronics and bought some used test equipment. I have been measuring anything and everything, sometimes with unexpected results. Above is one of those cases.

The function generator is outputting a sine wave of 1kHz at 5Vpp. It shows up as expected on the oscilloscope. The multi-meter on the other hand shows 1.77Vac and 0.02Vdc Perhaps someone here would be kind enough to explain to me why the multi-meter does not display 5Vac?

Best Answer

Your meter reads AC in \$V_{rms}\$, which is very different from \$V_{pp}\$.

For sinusoidal signals:

\$ V_{rms} = 0.3535 \cdot V_{pp} = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} \cdot V_{pp}\$

And therefore \$ 5V_{pp} = 1.767 V_{rms} \$

Also, because you've set your DC offset to 0V, the DC average of the sine wave is 0V, hence the \$0V_{dc}\$.

Therefore, both your measurements are exactly as expected.