Electronic – nother way to think of/draw this simple diagram

circuit analysisdiodes

I'm not too familiar with this "not-fully-connected" type of diagram, and so understanding it is giving me some trouble. How do I approach determining the following circuit's characteristics (i.e. currents, voltage drops, etc.)?

My mind wants to just connect the grounded parts, trace them back to the back of V1 (Thereby assuming V1 is a battery, and treating V2 as a measure of the voltage across the resistor on the right and/or the diode. However, I'm not sure if it's that simple.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Here :) don't be afraid to change it up. You are not wrong by imagining those two grounds connected. If it works for you, then go with it.

enter image description here

Sorry for the poorly drawn image hahahaha