Electronic – NPN Darlington circuit for 12V Diesel Glowplug


I'm trying to build a very simple circuit to drive a glowplug. I am using a TIP122 NPN.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I wanted 0.017A going through the 12V plug. I estimated no more than 0.204W. I also assumed my NPN's HFE was 1000.

To find power dissipation \$12V \times 0.017A = 0.204 W\$.

Calculated base current with

$$Ib = \dfrac{0.017}{1000} = 0.000017A$$

$$R1 = \dfrac{4V-1.4V}{0.000017A} = 152941 \Omega$$

I hooked all this up, and the NPN got pretty hot. The glowplug started to get a little hot, probably around 100F by the time the NPN was around 200F and climbing fast.

I'm very new and have been more or less dealing with NPN saturation on simple devices like LED and Fans with no issues. I have done this exact circuit with a 12V relay I pulled from a car, but I was really just experimenting here trying to learn the limitations of an NPN.

Best Answer

You are calculating this wrong. You want 0.017 A going through a 1 Ohm device, so you must put 0.017 A * 1 Ohm = 0.017 V across it. Creating that kind of current control with a non-saturated grounded emitter NPN topology is pretty difficult since the Hfe is not a tightly controlled parameter for BJTs.

The correct way to do this is to put a current limiter resistor inline with the 1 Ohm device. Then when you saturate the device, according to the graph in the datasheet, the Vce(sat) at 0.1A will be about 0.6V, so you will have $$12 - 0.6V = 11.4V$$ across the pair.

Ohms law says you need a resistance of $$\frac{11.4V}{0.017A} = 670 Ohms$$

680 Ohms is a standard resistor value in that range and should give about 0.0168A in current.

Now on to the calculation of the base resistor. It is typical to ensure saturation by calculating as if the Hfe = 10. This ensures that you are fully saturating the transistor. So for a collector current of 0.017 A, you want a base current of 1.7 mA. The TIP122 Vbe(sat) with a collector current of 0.1A is about 1.25V so the resistor will have 4V - 1.25V = 2.75V across it. This results in:$$\frac {2.75V}{1.7mA} ~= 1.61 kOhms$$


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab