Electronic – Number of gates in series


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Both describe EOR(XOR) gate – but according to the textbook, it says that Figure 2.17 has two gates in series, while Figure 2.19 has three gates in series. But to my eye, it seems that both have three gates in series! Can anyone explain this? Thanks. Or is textbook's figure somehow wrong? (I heard that the textbook Principles of Computer Hardware has few figure errors in digital logic areas.

Best Answer

No, the textbook is right. Remember the difference between resistors in parallel and in series? This is pretty much the same.

The difference between 2.17 and 2.19 is the inverters. Those inverters are an extra step in the gate series, therefore 2.19 has a series of 3 and 2.17 one of 2.

You can see this from the input side of view: in figure 2.17, the input will first go through G1 or G2, and after that G3. That's two steps. G1 and G2 are symmetric, so they are parallel. But since the output of G1 is connected to the input of G3, they are in series.

In figure 2.19 though, the input will be inverted first, so that's en extra step. The inverters are symmetric thus stand parallel, G1 and G2 too, and G3 is alone.