Electronic – ny physical device called current source

batteriescircuit analysiscurrent-sourcevoltage-source

I have seen both current source and voltage source in many electrical circuits (in paper). When it comes real hardware battery can be considered as a voltage source. Then what is a current source ?

Edit : With reference to some answers and comments here I will try to make my question more clear.

Voltage source (battery) produce constant voltage (for near ideal condition). Current through the circuit only depend on the load resistance. Is there any such current source devices other than circuits which virtually behave like current source by using a voltage source ?

Best Answer

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The current mirror circuit is one very common current source used mostly within ICs:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

A linear regulator can be used to make a current source:


simulate this circuit

It's also possible to make a current source from an op-amp:


simulate this circuit

Most simple current source can be made of just two parts, JFET and resistor. This circuit bahave mostly like above by utilizing cutoff voltage of JFET as reference.


simulate this circuit