Electronic – Op-Amp gain calculation

analogcircuit analysisoperational-amplifier

I'm trying to find R4 that will make:


The operational amplifier is ideal.

My attempt: In the '-' input there is a virtual ground, so the equivalent resistor above is $$(R2||R3) + R4$$

Using the formula for inverter amplifier:

$$ G = -\frac{(R2||R3) + R4}{R1}$$

The answer is approximately $$R4=120M\Omega$$

I know from a simulation that the answer is around $$24k\Omega$$
Where is my mistake?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

One option to determine the gain of this circuit is to use superposition and determine the voltage at the inverting pin which should be 0 V with an idealized op-amp. First, set \$V_{out}\$ to 0 V and determine \$V_{-}\$:

enter image description here


Then, set \$V_{in}\$ to 0 V and determine again the voltage at \$V_{-}\$:

enter image description here

Doing the simple maths ok leads to;


Then you say that \$V_{-}=V_{(2a)}+V_{(2b)}=0\$ and you solve for \$V_{out}\$ and factor the result. You should find:


and the value of \$R_4\$ to have -120 V as an output of this op-amp is given by


The below SPICE simulation confirm the value with a perfect op-amp:

enter image description here

Another option would have consisted of using the EET or extra-element theorem which is part of the FACTs but using superposition is already part of the FACTs toolbox.