Electronic – OR gate circuit with feedback to input


I saw the following somewhere and I'm trying to make the following with NPN transistors but I'm having some trouble.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I want to make a circuit where, when I apply a voltage to input1, output turns on, feeding back into input2, so that input1 and 2 are both on. And when I remove voltage from input1, input2 stays on thus output stays on.

And I did it like this:


simulate this circuit

So SW1 is input 1. D3 is output. If I remove the wire connecting node x to node y, my circuit functions as an OR gate. To make the circuit above I keep SW2 open at all times. When I close SW1, I hoped D1, D2 and D3 would turn on, but only D1 and D3 turned on. So naturally, when I opened SW1, D3 turned off, which is not what I want. I tried this in falstad and it didn't work either.

So my question is: how can I correct my circuit so that it does what I want it to do (as I described above)?

I made an edit to the diagram. I removed SW2. D1 and D2 don't have a role other than to light up when the transistors are up.

Second edit: I fixed the direction of D3 and rearranged the way the circuit was feeding back into Q2.


Best Answer

There are a number of problems with your circuit.

  1. You have a 1 V power source. This will not turn on an LED, never mind two in series.
  2. Assuming that's a mistake and you have about 5 V supply (based on R5 and R7 being 100 Ω and a current of 10 mA) then when you close SW2 you will put 5 V across D3 and destroy it.
  3. It's not clear what purpose D1 and D2 serve.
  4. You have wired Q1 and Q2 as voltage followers. Logic circuits would normally use some kind of common emitter.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. A NOR and a NOT will do the job.

  • Q1 and Q2 form a NOR gate. Turning either on will pull the common collector to ground. Note that the transistors will be driven into saturation so they could be within 0.2 V of ground whereas your arrangement could at the very best get to about 0.7 V below supply.
  • When Q1 is turned in it will turn on Q3. Its collector will be pulled high. This will turn on Q2 and latch.


simulate this circuit

Figure 2. Minimalist version.


simulate this circuit

Figure 3. Analysis of your circuit. Note that there is 0 V to bias Q2. It can't turn on.

How can I get the base voltage higher than the emitter?

You can't. That's why logic gates aren't designed that way.