Electronic – or what “fast-ramping batteries” means at this context


I'm trying to do a economics report of Battery Storage, but I'm from Brazil, so I have to find especific words used in portuguese to describe certain things in electrical setor. I find this term "fast-ramping" and have no idea what this means. I think if someone explain the means and a context for this expression so I can find an equivalent word in my language.


"Balancing grid supply and demand. Batteries can help balance electricity supply and demand on multiple time scales (by the second, minute, or hour). Fast-ramping batteries are particularly well suited to provide ancillary grid services such as frequency regulation, which helps maintain the grid’s electric frequency on a second-to-second basis."

Best Answer

"Ramping" up or down is a utility grid term for how quickly a generator can add power to the grid, or reduce its output when demand reduces.

Steam generating plant cannot ramp fast - it can take hours, up to days for some nuclear plants to reach full power again after a shutdown. Other plant - especially hydro - can ramp up as fast as you can turn a tap.

There's nothing stopping battery storage reaching full power instantly, which makes it "fast ramping" -valuable for stabilising a grid in the presence of variable load - or sudden changes in generating capacity if a plant shuts down.

This allows better - and cheaper - frequency control.