Electronic – Oscilloscope malfunction: Can someone help with a diagnosis


This is the screen on my Tektronix 2465 oscilloscope when I power it up. It used to have the lines going all the way across and and when I would connect the probe to the stereo output (as a calibration test) I'd get a waveform.

But now there is no waveform at all, just faint vertical lines when I supply input to channel 1 using the probe. Has anyone else seen this problem before? If you have please tell me what causes it and how I might fix it!

Oscilloscope screen

Best Answer

You've had a failure in the horizontal sweep section or the horizontal amplifier.

If you're feeling masochistic, you can try to fix it yourself. Here, for instance is the service manual. You'll notice that, at the least, you need a working scope to troubleshoot. And you'll need access to Tektronix replacement parts.

Take it to a repair service.