Electronic – Oscilloscope preamp for smartphones


I want to build an oscilloscope preamp and wonder what sort of op amp should I use? What's the maximum input level a smartphone can handle and should I bias the signal (for instance -5V/+5v to something like 0-1V)? What means of circuit protection should I use? Can I use diodes?

Best Answer

The microphone input will be sensitive to signals of millivolts, and definitely should be limited to 1V or less. It will probably be AC coupled internally.

See http://www.instructables.com/id/A-Preamplifier-for-Smartphone-Oscilloscopes/ and http://hackaday.com/2012/07/14/android-oscilloscope-built-from-parts-just-laying-around/ ; the latter of those is just an attenuator, relying on the built-in preamp. The former adds a unity gain buffer as an impedance converter, and will probably produce better results. In both cases it's only suitable for audio frequency ranges.