Filter – Parametric Equalizer with State Variable Filter

active-filterband passfilterparallel

I'm new to this forum but hope to get some answers to a project I'm working on.
I'm trying to build an parametric equalizer with several bands (5 Bass-Bands, 3 Middle-Bands, 3 High-Bands). In the first picture below you can see the Middle-Band. I use a state variable filter design. It's based on the Urei 545 parametric equalizer.
I would like to connect all the bands parallel to each other. I tried but in the simulation I get a loss of cut and boost, almost 5dB. Is this the right way to connect those two filters parallel together (see second picture)? Why do I loose the cut and boost? Thanks in advance for your help.
And in general I think my impedance level is to high. I think I need to lower the values of the resistors in order to reduce noise, is that right?

Thanks for your help.


Paramteric EQ Middel Band

Here I'm connecting the two middle-bands parallel.

Parametric EQ parallel

Best Answer

Parallel circuits are loads to each other. Such attempt should be based on math, not on guessing.

If you want to continue on the experimental route, at least have a proper summing amp for the parallel output signals. Otherwise the outputs fight against each other. They are designed to see only an opamp input.

ADD: Fast transfer function calculations showed that your idea - altough realizable with proper summing, leads easily to stability problems without precise component values and math based design. You want a filter, not an oscillator. In addition the adjustments of the bands would surely interact, you want independent bands.

If you can understand the following formula Uout=-Uin(1+2(1-A)F)/(1-2AF) where F is the complex transfer function of a 3 opamp state variable section and A is a real number between 0 and 1 (=cut/boost position parameter) you should see that the denominator should not be zero. How do you can be sure of it? Answer: Only with math based design or by having some incredible luck.

See TimWescott's answer. He's right. Two band filtering is achieved by feeding the same signal through two cascaded filters. In decibels their effect is summed. The cascaded filters are designed to have 0dB gain when the frequency is not near the adjusted center freq.

BTW. Multiband graphic equalizers are not cascaded filters, but resemble a little your idea. Too many cascaded sections detoriate the signal useless due the non-idealty of opamps. I haven't seen multiband parametric EQs which are like those fixed band graphic equalizers (=have parallel circuits), only cascaded ones.

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