Electronic – Part numbers on Johnson motors don’t match their catalogures


I've bought three motors which look like cordless drill parts, DC. I intend to use motors 1 & 2 to drive the left and right sides of a robot, and the third will probably be useful for a future iteration. All I have at present is this photo, …

enter image description here

… but it clearly shows the following markings:

Motor 1 (black plastic gear)


Motor 2 (same as motor 1)


Motor 3 (slightly larger, metal gear, shaft does not extend beyond the gear)


Johnson Electric's part numbers have the format AA000AAA, which matches none of these markings. Are these older models, or am I using the wrong search terms?

Best Answer

The Johnson HC683LP-022 is a 12 V (max), ~20000 RPM, 338 W motor with diameter 35.8 mm, intended for electric drills.

enter image description here

Johnson appear to make a very large variety of similar looking motors. Your best bet may be to search their site for the model that best matches the specification used in the advert of the ones you purchased and hope for the best.

Since the eBay listing has no information, you could measure and weigh them (without cog) when you receive them and compare with Johnson specs for various motors (they are sorted by casing diameter).

I'd then try them with lower voltages and monitor temperature.

There are disadvantages to buying from cheap eBay vendors.