Electronic – PCB etching troubles. Over etched


I'm trying out making PCBs for the first and I'm using the UV photo resist method. It seems to me I have the exposure and developing working very well but I'm having some issues with etching. I'm using standard ferric chloride for now.

Here is my developed board, it was exposed for 2 minutes (Ignore the spelling mistake!)
Developed PCB

Then this is the result of the board that was taken out as soon as the last bit of copper was etched away.

After etching the PCB

So as you can see traces on the right have dissapeared and others have thinned a lot compared to the width of the tracks after developing.

I've been doing the etching outside in a little plastic container and takes around 8 minutes. I have not heated the etchant.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what is going wrong?


Best Answer

I my experience the etching is not the critical step. It looks like you have problems with light exposure of your traces. In my setup I addressed this problems by using two masks one above the other to make sure they are impermeable to light.

An other possible error cause is the developer. Make sure the powder is evenly distributed before putting in the exposed boards. But as I just mentioned - with a good contrast in exposure this is not very critical.