Electronic – PCB pancake slip ring brushes


I am designing a mechanical attitude indicator for the avionics simulator. I need a pancake slip ring, that drives servo (max 500mA at 5V) and some backlight.
My idea is to use a gold-plated PCB and brushes mounted on the other PCB.
But I am struggling heavily, to find suitable brushes, that can be PCB-mounted.
The only thing I found is EMI gold finger contacts and pogo-pins, but they are too stiff for this application, what I am looking for is similar to the wiper of the potentiometer. Any help?

Best Answer

To build:-

slip ring

From https://www.moflon.com/mpcb.html

So I suggest either buy some carbon brushes and mount them yourself in a DIY holder thingie, or buy a full a cheepo slip ring like the Adafruit one.

Notice that the slip ring picture above uses four sets of brushes to maintain electrical connectivity and mitigate contact bounce.