LED Power Supply – Philips 9 W Luminaire Quotes 7 A for 300 ms Inrush!

ledlightingpower supply

In his answer to Will repeatedly turning a light bulb on and off damage it? @Bradicul stated,

An example of inrush current is an LED downlight fitting with 9 W (0.0375 A at 240 V) will have any average inrush current of 7 A for 300 ms.

enter image description here

Figure 1. The 220 – 240 V, 9 W Philips downlighter has an overall diameter of 84 mm.

I thought he was mistaken but he linked to the Philips DN135B LED6S/830 PSR-E II WH datasheet and it states that the inrush for this 9 W lamp is 7 A for up to 300 ms.

Can anyone think of a reason the PSU in these luminaires could draw 1.75 kVA for up to 300 ms when the lamp is only 9 W with a 0.9 power factor? Where is the juice going?

Best Answer

I don't see much contradiction. Inrush current is usually an exponentially decaying spike. The "7A" nameplate value is certainly the peak current. The "300ms" is likely a nameplate for spike duration, probably defined at 10% level, so the total energy is much lower than the bold estimation. Here are "definitions" from Murata:

enter image description here

where the duration looks like is defined at 0% level :-)

There is a line-up of technology and tutorials that deals with inrush current measurement, like Keysight

enter image description here

Let me guess some numbers from the Philips datasheet.

If the input has 7A at 240 V peak, the ESR looks like about 35 Ω. If the 300 ms is defined as RC constant, then the capacitor might be (35 * C = 0.3) C =8,500 uF, which sounds too high. So the 300 ms is likely defined differently in the area of industrial lighting.

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