Electronic – PIC32MX230F256D pinout


I wanted to do a little project with the µC mentioned above (TQFP-44 package). I looked into the datasheet, obviously. But there are multiple names for the pins which aren´t the voltage supply. How can I determine how the pins are labeled? Or does this depend upon the application of the µC?

Best Answer

It's pretty typical in microcontrollers today that each pin has more than one function it can be configured to implement. I'm not familiar with Microchip's scheme, but they'll have designed it so that the chip has some basic functionality coming out of reset -- then it's your job to write the software so that a given pin does what you want it to.

There's two directions you can go. You can use the manufacturer's tools, or you can closely study the datasheet, figure out how the chip works, and configure the thing yourself in software.

Most manufacturers also have wizards built into their tool chains that let folks who don't want, or can't, wrap their heads around doing the work in bare metal make the chip work. Usually these wizards don't work as well as they should, and don't play well with a mix of "wizard-generated" and "programmer generated" content, so I tend to not use them.

I usually take the opposite tack*, and closely study the datasheet. I can't speak for Microchip, but there's always some combination (sometimes large) of registers and/or register bits that can be configured to get a pin to function in a specific way. Some manufacturers are very good about thoroughly documenting this sort of functionality (i.e., ST), and some (i.e., Atmel) are horrible. I can't speak to Microchip's documentation, unfortunately.

* but I started in the 1980's, when a microcontroller with a couple of dual-purpose pins was really fancy, so I got ushered into this whole scheme gently, over a long period of time.